45. Love Grove

I was distracted as I left the hospital.

“Hua’er, what are you thinking……”

Pervert’s anxious voice came through. I turned towards him and gave him a light smile, “It’s nothing, just thinking about the things that happened just now.”

Actually, I was thinking about Yun Ya.

I dialed Yun Ya’s mobile number again but as usual the call didn’t connect and it bothered me.

“Why can’t the call get through….it’s strange……”

Moreover, MaoMao didn’t remember anything that had happened to him at Yun Ya’s place. This weighed on my mind. My thoughts were a mess and my imagination ran wild.

“Pervert, what do you think? Did Yun Ya have an accident? Is that why I am not able to get in touch with her.”

He narrowed his eyes, the light in his eyes darkened. Suddenly, he embraced me tightly and started walking in the direction of our home.

“We are going home.”

“But….” I was still thinking about Yun Ya when Pervert gently tapped my nose and said, “Hua’er, you have been very busy today, that’s enough. Let’s go back home and rest, ok.”

I looked into his eyes for a long time, then nodded.

Thinking that in two days he and grandpa An would be leaving for the Yue family’s old site  to help Yang Yi, I  compromised.

I’ll cherish the time spent with him in these two days.

I took the initiative and entwined our fingers to hold his large hand firmly.

We didn’t take a taxi, instead we held each other’s hands and walked towards home. My place wasn’t close to the hospital, a drive would take around twenty minutes and walking back would take around an hour.

But I didn’t want this beautiful moment to end just yet. If I went home early all I would do is sleep as soon as I laid down.

But right now, I can feel him standing next to me, a man that gives me a sense of security, who always accompanies me quietly, and even if we don’t speak a word, I feel content.

I don’t know when these wonderful feelings had taken over and captured my heart.

The sound of the cicadas echoed in my ears, clamoring incessantly. Especially when we were walking by the roadside, the sound coming through the thick bushes was clearer.

“Hua’er, do you plan to walk back?”

Pervert at last spoke out and asked.

I smiled and winked at him: “You guess ah.”

The sound of gentle laughter came from behind the mask. He wrapped my hands in his, pinched my fingers and whispered: “Hua’er wants to walk back but it’s too far, you can choose to ride.”

I was lost in my thoughts when he said this, I pouted and conceded: “All right.”

“Why do you say it like this?”

Pervert looked very cheerful: “Because you are like a small lazy pig ah.”

I blushed and punched his arm in a fit of anger. I didn’t know if I should be happy or angry. 

Being able to read my thoughts shows that he knows me, but then what is with that last sentence?

So angry ah!

Panting with rage, I punched him several times. I could hear his gentle laughter ripple from his chest like sea waves.

The more he laughed the angrier I got and the strength behind my punches increased.

“You are a lazy pig! Made you laugh!”

I punched him a few more times but he still didn’t stop and I started feeling uneasy, so I used my feet as well! Suddenly, I felt a gust of wind blow past my face as with one hand he grabbed my wrist, held my waist with the other and pulled me in his embrace.

Before I could realize what was happening, we were already inside a dense forest, no, to be precise it wasn’t any old forest on a mountain village, it was a grove inside a nearby park.

It was dark all around except for the faint white light on either side of the stone path where you could see the benches spaced evenly.

I could only hear the insects and crickets chirping, endless and uninterrupted, probably waiting for people to enter into dreamland, still screaming energetically as if trying to turn summer away.

My back was soaked with sweat, my clothes stuck to my body and I couldn’t move an inch, only then did I realize that I was leaning against a tree and Pervert was pressing down on me which was why I couldn’t move at all.

“What are you doing…..”

I shrank back in alarm. I didn’t dare to look at him.

Pervert removed his mask, slowly leaned closer towards me. I knew what he was going to do, my heart started racing, about to jump out of my chest.

I blushed and lowered my head. I could feel my breathing quicken and my body getting hot and sticky. It must be the tension making me sweat.

But what I didn’t know was that for some men, seeing their beloved woman so shy and nervous, fanned their desire.

The air became thick with the scent of pheromones as I felt Pervert’s lips coming closer towards me. Our bodies stuck so close together that there wasn’t an inch of gap between our bodies.

A heatwave began to rise from my lower belly and slowly spread towards my hands and feet. My legs trembled and my body went soft.


I cried out! And all of a sudden Pervert picked me up!

He held my hips and pressed me against the tree, I covered my mouth with my hands to hold back the moan and looked towards the lighted lane in panic.

I didn’t see anyone or hear any footsteps and relaxed a bit, but then I felt Pervert standing between my legs, his lips pasted on my neck.

Oh my God! What are we doing?!

I felt dizzy by his masculinity and only then was I able to react to what Pervert and I were doing!

Hurriedly, I tried to push him away to stop him. Even if we do this at home all the time, in such a place….it’s not good, not at all!

But Pervert didn’t release me, his hands started to fumble about as he reached inside my clothes.

I was shy and panicky. I used both my hands to try to push him away but couldn’t. I didn’t dare to shout out loud, lest people hear us and discover us in the middle of doing it.

Just as I was about to berate him (in a low voice), I heard faint sounds of people approaching this side.

Shit! Someone is here!

I couldn’t help but curse in my heart. Someone was coming and I became nervous, my body reacted instantly and tensed.

This bastard! He still won’t let go off me!

I kept looking at Pervert trying to tell him with my eyes to let me go but he didn’t respond.

“Haha, baby, papa got a promotion today. Let’s go eat something delicious later.”

“Yay! Then I want to eat McDonalds and KFC. I want to eat there every day!”


Just as that family of three walked down the path that I could see; Pervert’s hands entered the most vulnerable part of my body. 

I almost moaned, I hurriedly covered my mouth with both hands and let his hands play with me. I didn’t know how to resist him.

This entire process was crazier and more intense compared to when we were at home, like a storm hitting the ocean, wave after wave, they swallowed me completely.

From time to time Pervert spoke naughty words to tease me which made me blush even more, so much so that I looked like a persimmon. He thrust again and again, harder and faster but was still not satisfied. It’s like he has an endless energy that he can go on forever.

It wasn’t until the night was quiet that he let go of me. He supported me and straightened out my clothes and helped me walk outside.

My waist and legs were limp and sore. Walking felt so uncomfortable that I couldn’t help feeling a little angry.


He called my name but I didn’t reply.

Don’t come back! He has no respect for my feelings! He only thinks about himself! And doing that, in such a place, it was really too reckless!

What if someone had seen us?

I kept walking ahead, all the while holding my sore waist. Pervert seemed to notice my anger and hurriedly apologized: “I was wrong Hua’er.”

“You said the exact same thing earlier!”

I couldn’t help but kick his foot. I could feel the ache all over my body. I didn’t want to pay attention to this wolf!

He still wanted to apologize but I interrupted him!

“Don’t apologize! You apologized earlier but it meant nothing. When we get home, you will sleep on the sofa, you are not allowed to sleep in my bed!”

I pointed at his nose as I told him angrily.


I hadn’t finished speaking when Pervert grabbed my hand and promised: “You can give me any punishment.”

He sighed, rubbing his fingers against my cheek.

“I have to leave immediately. This time I have to go to Yue family’s former site which will take some time, then I have to go back to the Underworld to handle some affairs. I won’t be able to touch you for two whole weeks!! I will go crazy!”

I looked blankly at him as he embraced me but then his tone changed as he went on: “But, when we are outside, Hua’er really has a different style.”

At first, I did not understand what he meant.

I thought for a while, trying to understand what he meant. My expression was unreadable as I pushed Pervert away and shouted at him!

“You big pervert! Its best that you never come back!”

Was he still thinking about the things we had just done? I didn’t want to recall them but unexpectedly I did! Although I feel a little upset but at the end of it, they brought me different feelings.

Pervert’s words and attitude made me angry! It was as if he wanted to do this again!

I turned around not wanting to look at him. No matter what he says or how he apologizes, I won’t forgive him! He can sleep on the sofa, forever! Don’t ever think of coming near the bed!

However, when I woke up the next day, I saw a certain someone who went to sleep on the sofa, quietly lying by my side. I couldn’t bear to kick him out.


I pinched his nose so he wouldn’t be able to breathe and I gave the little demon an evil smile.

Let you sleep! I woke up but you are still sleeping!

At least three-four minutes passed but he didn’t wake up. At first, I thought he was holding his breath but when another five minutes passed and he still didn’t respond, my first reaction was not that he didn’t breathe but that something bad had happened!

“Hey! Pervert! Pervert don’t you want to get up, hey, wake up ah! Don’t scare me ah!”

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